How To Get On With Anyone, Anytime and Anywhere

Runtime 3m 27s · Views 8 · March 31, 2014

Have you ever met someone with whom you HAD ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in common?

For instance…

• Maybe they invade your body space by getting TO CLOSE or back off so far that you can hardly hear a word they say?
• Maybe they are too loud, too brash, too business orientated or far too serious about their jobs and work?
• Maybe they have no dress sense, a lack of focus or a complete lack of understanding about the finer things in life?

Well the real reason why you probably don’t see ‘eye to eye’ with these people is because they have different behavioral styles to you.

Not wrong, just different?

Let me explain…

About Speaker

Phil Bedford holds a master’s degree and brings over a decade of experience in sales training, business development and consulting to his role as Master Trainer at the Institute. Phil helps professionals live more and earn more through relationship-based referral marketing. With his business acumen and extensive experience in the market since 1998, Phil is currently expanding the franchise across the Middle East region.

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